Crashes Constantly

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Crashes Constantly

Hi!  I'm new to LibreCAD.  I use Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.  I installed 2.0.0 Beta1 (the "latest version") and got partway through a project.  The program crashed constantly - I learned to both save very frequently and save a backup copy (the latter because sometimes the project just goes away, and reloading a saved copy gives a new blank project).  I did try 1.0.2 but it wouldn't open the project I had underway crashed trying to do so.  One thing that seemed to reliably make 2.0.0 Beta1 crash was to try to do a small horizontal dimension - a larger one would work but not a smaller.

I made it through my relatively small drawing, and it only took ten or twenty times as long as it would have to draw it with pencil and paper  .

I couldn't seem to post any bug reports because I'm not a "member of the project".

There also seems to be very little help on using the program.  For instance, I made a somewhat complex drawing, then wanted to change the thickness of all the lines in it.  I couldn't figure out how do do that in bulk, and had to resort to changing them one by one.

My questions:  1) Is there a stable version of the program?  2)  Is there any decent documentation available anywhere, or do users just have to dope it out by trial and error?

It looks like a great program if I could learn to use it and get it to run reliably.
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Re: Crashes Constantly


I don't know about the crash problem but I have put a basic manual up on the forum. You can find a link under the LibreCAD user manual post. It should help give you some pointers.

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Re: Crashes Constantly

In reply to this post by GHDave
not sure about why you can not submit through our bug tracker.

please still try to provide detailed steps to reproduce this bug, better with attached dxf testcase
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Re: Crashes Constantly

In reply to this post by GHDave
Hi GHDave,

I made a more updated win32 bulid, if you want to test, you can found in:

Bug reports are in
but due to spammers :( you need an account in

menu "Modify->Properties" to change one entity (attributes and more)
menu "Modify->Attributes" to change attributes to several entities at a time.

Bob are writing a user manual, is a work in progress, but a good work and require lot of time
See this post to obtain the first part