Dividing a line keeps glitching

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Dividing a line keeps glitching

Sometimes when I try to divide a line, a glitch happens where the line just turns grey. When I go back a step the line just disappears. Any time this happens I always end up re-drawing the line. Is anyone else aware of this issue and is there a fix?
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Re: Dividing a line keeps glitching

When the line turns grey it means the line has been selected. You then are asked to specify the cutting point. You must have a proper snap mode activated for this, mostly Intersection, but also Snap on Entity or also Middle may make sense. Otherwise, if no cutting point has been specified the line just stays selected and when going a step back, if the line has been created just before it means it will be undone.
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Re: Dividing a line keeps glitching

See that's the thing. I know it turns grey when you select it. But after I make the cut where I want, it stays permanently grey. If I go back a step the line disappears.
I've also noticed that if I close it and reopen it the line goes back to normal but still does the same thing if I try dividing again. This happens to 70% of the lines I try to divide.