Get in contact

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Get in contact

Basically here is a good place to post all kind of topics concerning documentation.
Consider our wide spread community all over the world, in different time zones, with individual daily routine.
Be patient when you don't get replies within minutes or few hours.
That applies for all other communication channels too.

If you have a more private concern, you don't want to discuss publicly, you can join one of our chat channels, where the attendance is not that wide.
You will meet community maintainer and developer there, if you have more specific questions.
Also, feel free to contact me by 'Send Email to LordOfBikes' in my forum profile.

Our IRC channel is #librecad on
For IRC you have to stay online to receive replies.
IRC is a simple, straightforward, text only chat service.
There is a web client on, but typically we use IRC chat clients to connect and communicate there.

A more modern chat tool is Zulip. We are at
The advantage of Zulip is, that you can see what happens while you were offline, so you don't miss any reply.
Also communication is well assorted in streams and topics, what makes it easier to follow discussions or stay focused on a topic.
Zulip could be used from any browser, but also have clients for all major operating systems, even mobile apps.
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution