Hello LibreCAD community, New User

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Hello LibreCAD community, New User

Hello all! I'm a senior electrical designer/drafter by trade. I have been doing CAD drafting professionally for 17 years and in a non-professional capacity for 10 years before that. Mainly used AutoCAD versions 10 and up and recently tinkered with Draftsight.

LibreCAD has always been an interest but never really thought to look into it. While adding some other portable apps to one of my work computers that is quite locked down I came across a portable version of LibreCAD on portableapps.com. So installed it and did some basic sketching to test out the paces. It's quite different and yet the same as the proprietary CAD software that I have used. This is quite intriguing for me.

I'm a big fan of opensource products and communities. So when I scrolling through the documentation I seen a few areas where it mentioned how to contribute. Well here I am, looking into ways that I can contribute to this community and it's product.

I'm also a part-time coder mainly in C#.net, Javascript, Python.

I've forked the LibreCAD on Github and am already submitting a minor pull request for some typos. I have also joined Zulip chat.

Looking forward to contributing in any way I can.