How would multiple points at once? / ¿Como pondría múltiples puntos de una vez?

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How would multiple points at once? / ¿Como pondría múltiples puntos de una vez?

Hola amigos.
Estoy intentando hacer unas plantillas para electrónica.
Se trata de una serie de circuitos impresos universales, como os indico en la imagen:
Me gustaría saber, si hay algún sistema de dibujar los puntos (taladros para insertar los componentes electrónicos) y que no tenga que ser uno a uno.
El más rápido posible.
Lo de hacer las paralelas, lo más sencillo.
Ahora me falta saber cómo hacer los taladros (puntos), de una forma rápida.

Tengo pensado hacer para varios modelos de ci y para los modelos estándar, de los circuitos de pruebas.
Será para uso personal y cuando lo pruebe, lo compartiré, como siempre.
¡Gracias!. 8-)


Hello friends.
I'm trying to make some templates for electronics.
This is a set of universal printed circuits , as I indicated in the picture.

I wonder if there is some system of drawing the points (holes for inserting electronic components) and does not have to be one to one.
The fastest possible.
What to do parallel, the simplest.
Now I need to know how to make the holes (points) in a quick way.

I have thought about doing for several models of ci and standard models, test circuits.
It will be for personal use and when I try, I'll share as always.
Thank You !. 8-)
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Re: How would multiple points at once? / ¿Como pondría múltiples puntos de una vez?

In LibreCAD v2(stable releases), you can read in ASCII coordinates as points (or other entities) by File -> Import -> Read ascii files

In the work-in-progress v3, you can run a Lua script to generate your entities.
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Re: How would multiple points at once? / ¿Como pondría múltiples puntos de una vez?

Thanks dxli!
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Re: How would multiple points at once? / ¿Como pondría múltiples puntos de una vez?

This post was updated on .
I use for this multiple copies.
First make Pad (Pin) as a block (pad-08.dxf file).

Next, select the block.
Next, 'Show toolbar "Modify"' -> 'Move/Copy'
Specify the destination point with the need step. Horizontally to the right.
Select 'Multiple Copies' and set need quantity copies.

Get Pad's row.

Select Pad's row.

Use Multiple Copies of the Pad's row in the vertical direction.

Thus you can do for printed circuit boards with a maximum size of 250x250mm. This is due to the limitations of the number of copies in Multiple Copies (max 100 copies).
Combining visible/invisible layers produced prints for the manufacture of printed circuit boards.
For example:

The files for example:

Note: this DXF 2007 files created with LibreCAD-2.0.7-33. Older versions of the LibreCAD may incorrectly display the order of layers and some colors (such as dark red).