I'm pumped to see LibreCAD !

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I'm pumped to see LibreCAD !

I'm a longtime user of the CAD package that preceded LibreCAD.

I always liked and used that package because of its power and simplicity.   It didn't do everything as fast you could on some other packages, but it was stable, easy to use and did everything I needed it to.

However, that package always had some issues and the community involvement in refining it, for whatever reason, seemed low or non existent.

I am VERY happy to see that it has been forked and now lives as LibreCAD.

Linux is in SERIOUS need of a good 2D drafting package.  I'm glad this is not a "start over, it will be bigger and better than anything else out there" effort.   I hope that some of the issues that earlier incarnations suffered from can now be addressed.

Kudos to those who spearheaded this effort.