Insert an image with a given size

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Insert an image with a given size

I want to insert an image I have resized with Gimp so it has the dimensions I want in millimetres.
The problem is that when I insert it the size in LC is, in millimetres, equal to the pixel value in Gimp.
For instance, I resize the Photo in Gimp so that it is 245 x 135 mm (i.e. 1736 x 955 px), then I insert it in LC and expect it to be 245 x 135 mm, instead it is 1736 x 955 mm.
Of course I can either resize it in Gimp so that it is 245 x 135 px and then insert it, or I can insert it larger and scale it dow.
Would it not be more logical though to insert an image with the actual size created on whatever Image Manipulation Program used?

