Salve My name is Roberto and I would like to propose ...

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Salve My name is Roberto and I would like to propose ...

From the presentations already know my name, I am an artist and I always appreciated but Qcad Librecad me more security and freedom Open Sorce (for sure will have a faster development); My operating system is Ubuntu even open it as a software Gimp , Inkscape, Blender, and all three are importing the software. DXF and l '. SVG, however, such imports have a big difference especially in Blender. Inkscape Blender as in the files. DXF files are imported as separate segments and curves while. SVG in Blender is imported as bazier with the possibility of extrusion and decision number of vertices and thus propose to add the 'export. Or SVG. Blend where settled xyz distance of bazier bazier to merge them directly (you want to force the handlebars if not, is not imported). Second Proposal: Sganciamoci by black arrows and use more of the menu! Instead of going back and forth with these black arrows you could add all the commands that are used in the status bar or a bar or 2 window (depends on space), and say commands to indicate selections, snap points, online and even color and size maybe a "Apply button" while the options remain where they are ... I assure you that it saves a lot of time and is a much more professional. The groups in inkscape are imported as an external link if there is useful information, it is seen nel''editor xml. <a href="|en|">Google