Splines please re-visited. Two years on.............

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Splines please re-visited. Two years on.............

Jim Thompson
Over two years ago, I opened a thread called "Splines Please" here:


It simply went dead. Can I conclude that this function is not available in LibreCad? I would like an answer one way or another so I can move on. If it is available and developed in LibreCad, I would like some assistance and instructions of how to use it. If it is not, I would like to know so I can move onto another CAD application that does support splines, or complex curves.

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Re: Splines please re-visited. Two years on.............(almost solved!)

Jim Thompson
I have found out how to draw curves in the splines function and can get it to work sometimes. Other times, I am unable to do so despite lots of wasted time doing so.
Is there someone can assist please?
I must be selecting a function incorrectly, or clicking on the wrong thing some of the time even though I have carefully checked my procedure.

I am almost there with this; just need some minor assistance please?

This is the procedure I have been trying:

1. Make sure I am in splines.
2. Select move/copy under the modify menu heading.
3. Click on the curved line. It will go from hard line to dotted with blue points shown.
4. Then click on one of the blue points, hold the mouse button down, and move the point. When it is where I want it, right click. The black line will show moving while I am adjusting this point.

That worked last night, and once or twice this morning, but won't work now. Clearly, I am getting crossed up somewhere during the sequence.
I have all snap functions de-selected.