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Name's Bryon
In the draw toolbar there is a group that includes; M/text Hatch Insert Images and points
The Hatch icon produces no results.
Trying a number of word combinations same story.
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Re: Hatching

Select the shape(s) to be hatched (must be perfectly closed contour), and close selection with Enter.
Or select objects first, (no Enter needed), then trigger the Hatch icon.
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Re: Hatching

Thanks for the response.

Did that as well as determined the "shape",which was created from a series of polylines, was completely "closed". All to no avail.
BTW, I'm coming from Autocad which I bought after asking if I could continue using it with Windows in "perpetuity". Stopped working with the very next Windows version that was released.
Anyone considering Autocad might want to re-think it. Now they want to sell you a "subscription" on a monthly charge basis.
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Re: Hatching

Does the hatch settings box come up?
Maybe the hatching is too wide so it seems there is nothing.
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Re: Hatching

Hello from Germany!

I'm new with librecad and just trying several options, to get used with it.

So, I also have problem with the hatching funktion.

Let me explain:

I draw a simple retangle
I mark the lines - they become up to a dashed line
I chose tool-box / hatching
a popup-window appears to chose some options about hatching - I chose "solid filling"
I confirm with OK
the popup-window disappears, lines chances to continues lines and that's it - nothing more happend!
Commandlline says: Hatch created successfully

What I'm doing wrong?

Thnaks for your support!
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Re: Hatching

If you click into the hatched area, does it get highlighted? Then there must be something. Also try "Properties", what does it say? Try changing colour with "Attributes".
In the command line, after "Hatch created successfully", is the hatched area indicated?
Is the active layer different than the layer with the rectangle, and is switched invisible? Then you will not see the hatching until you switch it to visible.
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Re: Hatching

This post was updated on .
Hi dellus, thanks for reply! I'll give my answers in your post:

dellus wrote
If you click into the hatched area, does it get highlighted? NO
Then there must be something. Also try "Properties", what does it say? For me it looks OK
Try changing colour with "Attributes".
In the command line, after "Hatch created successfully", is the hatched area indicated? NO
Is the active layer different than the layer with the rectangle, and is switched invisible? same layer, visible
Then you will not see the hatching until you switch it to visible.
I recorded my activities on libreCad. Hope it works and you could see, what I did! It's a link on my server!

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Re: Hatching

- https://forum.librecad.org/Hatch-problems-tp5709588.html
- https://dokuwiki.librecad.org/doku.php/usage:faq#my_drawing_had_some_hatches_how_can_i_see_them
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
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Re: Hatching


Yeah, that's it! Creazy! Thanks a lot LordOfBikes!

You have disabled "View->Draft mode" ? 

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Re: Hatching

Ah, I should have seen that. How embarrassing for me. I am getting old.
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Re: Hatching

dellus wrote
I am getting old.
Same for me!
Thank you for your support, dellus and LordOfBikes!!
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Re: Hatching

In reply to this post by Bryon
I'm having a similar problem when hatching a closed spline.

Everything seems to work fine, the hatch dialogue appears, i choose "solid fill", the hatch shows up in the preview, I press Enter, the command line says "Hatch created successfully", yet I can't see the hatch.

Draft mode is disabled, so that can't be the issue. Also, I do the same thing with a rectangle or a circle within the same drawing and everything works fine.

Any idea what the issue could be? Any help/input would be greatly appreciated.

I'm using Version 2.2.0 on a Windows 10 machine.
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Re: Hatching

Hatching spline contours just doesn't work in LibreCAD.
As a workaround you can explode the spline and select all the single entities, works.
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Re: Hatching

Oh, ok, thanks for clearing that up! Will try the workaround.
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Re: Hatching

In reply to this post by dellus
We should allow hatching with SplinePoints, if there is no self-intersection.

All tools needed are there for SplinePoints:

Bonding boxes;
Line integrals;

dellus wrote
Hatching spline contours just doesn't work in LibreCAD.
As a workaround you can explode the spline and select all the single entities, works.
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Re: Hatching

Syed Bilawal
In reply to this post by RainerThe
Thanks Bro, it worked.
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Re: Hatching

Ken Lane
Another NUBI problem.
1. Created an enclosed figure with Lines.
2. Selected all the lines.
3. Selected HATCH Icon.
4. Clicked "Solid Fill" and "Enable Preview".
5. Clicked "OK".
6. Figure was filled with all Black Background (Default Setting).
7. Didn't like the resulting appearance.
8. Searched the Manuals for other Solid Fill Options.  Found a pattern like!
9. Can't find a menu that lets me change the Default Solid Fill Setting.
10. How do I change the setting?

Thanks for any Help!
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Re: Hatching

The color of a solid fill is determined by the pen properties color when created. If "By Layer" is set it will take the color of the layer attributes.
To change the color of an existing solid fill use Tools - Modify - Attributes.

If you want a pattern then don't click "Solid Fill".