Newbie with simple question

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Newbie with simple question

I'm new to LibreCAD.  I need to do some simple plans for a small office building remodel.   I've watched several informative videos and am following them step by step.  I'm making a test drawing.   I have made several layers and would like to make a border as instructed (I made a border layer).   After filling in the command line exactly as on the tutorial, the border lines do not appear like on the instructor's tutorial.  What do I need to do to show the boarder line?

I just downloaded LibreCAD this past Wednesday so I assume it is the latest edition.

Thank you for assistance.   I sure I'll be asking more questions.
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Re: Newbie with simple question

Your description is not very informative. What did you type in the command line?
Have you closed the command with Enter?
Maybe the border is out of the view area or too small to see. Try View - Autozoom.
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Re: Newbie with simple question

I typed:    rec       then entered.  On the next line:     287,200       then entered.  (THANK  YOU for your reply)  
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Re: Newbie with simple question

You have to specify the first and the second (diagonally opposite) corner of the rectangle.
Assuming you want a border frame 5mm within an A4 size sheet the input then would be
rec Enter 0,0 Enter 287,200 Enter.

Or better, first draw a frame with the size of the size of the sheet first (this makes it easier for correct placement when printing) with  rec Enter  0,0 Enter 297,210 Enter
and then draw the inner frame with  rec Enter  5,5 Enter 292,205 Enter
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Re: Newbie with simple question

Got that figured out, but now have another question.   When drawing a point to point line, everything looks good.  When drawing a horizontal or vertical line, the line is not drawn.  Only a short 1 square line from the ends of where the line should be.  I'm using the "inch",  "architectural" settings in Application and Drawing preferences windows.   Why doesn't the line appear with horizontal and vertical, but does appear with 2 points option?  
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Re: Newbie with simple question

In reply to this post by wenmoose
wenmoose wrote
I've watched several informative videos and am following them step by step.
Look at the manual and wiki. Horizontal and Vertical line have a tool option with length.