Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

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Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

I recently downloaded LibreCAD and just started using it.  I am running it on Windows 11 Home running virtually on a MacBook Pro 2019 using Parallels 19.  My problem is that the screen shows only the top half of numbers on the status bar below the headings "Selected", "Total", "Length", "Current Layer", etc.  I have tried changing the Widget text heights etc. to no avail.  What can I do to fix this?
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Re: Screen cuts offi lower part of characters in Status bar

I think this is is due to recent merging of "Pen Palette" and "Layer Tree".

Can you disable those widgets and try again (maximize or resize the app window)?

Main menu: Widgets > Dock Widgets
AHG wrote
I recently downloaded LibreCAD and just started using it.  I am running it on Windows 11 Home running virtually on a MacBook Pro 2019 using Parallels 19.  My problem is that the screen shows only the top half of numbers on the status bar below the headings "Selected", "Total", "Length", "Current Layer", etc.  I have tried changing the Widget text heights etc. to no avail.  What can I do to fix this?
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

In reply to this post by AHG
I tried doing what you suggested, to no avail so far.  I also have a similar problem with the displays at the top of the screen when you type a command such as "hor".  The information boxes are so small that I can't see the numbers in them.
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

In reply to this post by AHG
Does this issue occur with other apps?
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

In reply to this post by AHG
It would be easier to understand if you posted a screen dump with a message about the size and resolution of your display.
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

A copy of my screen, showing the problem areas, is attached below.  My screen resolution is currently set as 3584x2240, which it says is Recommended.  I am new to this process, so please let me know if there are any problems in accessing the screenshot.

Thank you,

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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

Seems something was lost in the virtualisation. The mac version might work better.
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

This is probably not caused by virtualization. The mentioned screen resolution implies a 4K display.
On 4K displays the text size is usually way too small and the font size has to be scaled up to become readable.
So I recommend to check the font scaling in the W11 VM, I think 125% or 150% should be fine, higher values may cause this issue.
But this also depends on the display size, on smaller 4K displays (<20") 150% might be still too small.

In virtualization it might also be possible to set the screen size of the VM to something like 1K (1920x1080) and the font scale to 100%. Then let the hypervisor scale the VM window up when it is resized on the 4K display.

investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

In reply to this post by flywire
pushed a size policy change to master
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

In reply to this post by LordOfBikes
i tried changing the % and then the resolution, as suggested.  The other text in the status bar changed, but I could still see only the top half of the numbers in the problem area.
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

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AHG wrote
I could still see only the top half of the numbers in the problem area.

What about the absence of Docks and the command line?
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Re: Screen cuts off lower part of characters in Status bar

In reply to this post by LordOfBikes
You have exactly identified my problem. LibreCad seems to be exaggerating my scaling factor and/or, not allowing enough screen real estate to display the scaled fonts. So I had to adopt a compromise. I normally scale at 300% on my 55" 4K display. LibreCad worked better at 100% but all other text was too small. So I selected 200% and started wearing reading glasses. Thanks for the great guidance.