2.2.0 rc2-1 libdxfrw

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2.2.0 rc2-1 libdxfrw

What are the changes made in 2.2.0-rc2-1 regarding libdxfrw? Does it affect the user, is there a visible improvement, is there something to test? Or is more to come in that direction?
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Re: 2.2.0 rc2-1 libdxfrw

This commit was made to sync changes between LibreCAD 2 and 3 versions of libdxfrw.
The last common base of libdxfrw goes back to 2015 or 2016 and they both had bug fixes meanwhile, which wasn't applied to each other version.
Next is to push the same libdxfrw code from LC2 version back to LibreCAD/libdxfrw repo.
Then the goal is to fix more DWG related bugs which still crash LibreCAD.
Through this sync it is easier to apply further improvement to both LibreCAD version.

The latest fixes happened in LC2, so I assume no big difference between rc2 and rc2-1.
The impact to LC3 will be bigger, because of the recently fixed DWG issues in LC2's libdxfrw.
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