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3d to 2d drawing

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3d to 2d drawing

2 posts
Hello alltogether,
there was an old thread regarding 3d 5 years ago. There are a lot of 3D design software , even on a high level (for example freecad).
But much of them are focussed on the 3D modelling and less on the 2d drawing which in many cases are neccesary.
I want newly ask If you are planning to realise the possibility to make 2d drawings relating to 3d models (step, iges ore sat, for example) and to keep this relation in case of modifiing the 3d source.
I think , there would be much interest in.

Kind regards Jörg
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Re: 3d to 2d drawing

1117 posts
There has nothing changed, we focus on 2D and there are no plans to add 3D features. Also there haven't been more request since then iirc, nor are there developers indicating interest working on it.

To be honest, I don't see how we should track modifications in 3D format files from LibreCAD's point of view. How should we evaluate which modifications are related to our 2D DXF drawing?

I think when 3D software has capabilities to modify 2D drawings from DXF import, this software should also be capable to export the modified 2D view.
Or one has to be strict in modifying 2D and 3D files. I do so with OpenSCAD, where 2D DXF files are only linked by name. I modify the DXF file with LibreCAD and then refresh the OpenSCAD 3D model to apply the changes. In OpenSCAD modification of DXF files is not possible and DXF export is very simple.
I think latest FreeCAD has a 2D Sketch workbench, but I don't know about it's export capabilies.

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Re: 3d to 2d drawing

R. van Twisk
489 posts
When we did a complete re-design of LibreCAD (currently called LibreCAD 3) we kept in mind that 3D software might want to use our 2D rendering/storage engine to keep relations. Nothing was implemented on a 3D software package around that. This was discussed with the team of BRL-CAD.

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Re: 3d to 2d drawing

2 posts
In reply to this post by jhk1968
Hello again,
freecad for example has very effectiv tool to make an modify sketches and extrude, rotate, etc. volumes from it. But they have only less possibilitis in the drawing workbench.
So if I have a relational tool to make views, detail views and sections in additional tool to freecad, than I complete satisfied.
Autocad Inventor has 3d models to be modified and 2d drawings in relation to the 3d model.
After modifiing the 3d  model you have to look and sometimes to renew the dimensions in the drawings.
That is strictly the other way you (LordofBikes) described.
But it is very usual.

Kind regards