A faster way to draw lines?

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A faster way to draw lines?

Hi guys, I'm pretty new to LibreCAD and still learning. So please forgive me if I say something wrong. For context, I'm using the Windows version of LibreCAD.
I am wondering if there is a hidden feature that makes drawing lines faster? Let's say I just set the first point of the line and want to create another point 10 units to the right. Typing "@10,0" is just painfully slow. Can I just type "10" and hold down a key to constrain the direction to a horizontal line and then click? Is there a way in LibreCAD to do this?
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Re: A faster way to draw lines?

well, yes, you can.

You can point coordinates:
1) by mouse (+snap)
2) by coordinates (cartesian, polar - and absolute/relative form)
3) there are several commands to draw a line, and some may be more suitable for some operations - for example, "Snake" command will ask for distance only in appropriate mode
3) using CTRL+LEFT, CTRL+RIGHT, CTRL+UP, CTRL+DOWN in cmd widget).
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Re: A faster way to draw lines?

Hi Sand1024,

Thank you for your help.
The CTRL and arrow keys is what I need.
This is so refreshing!

I tried the Snake tool but currently its a bit buggy.
But for me the line tool and the polyline tool are enough, so no problem at all.

Again thank you!