A faster way to draw lines?

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A faster way to draw lines?

Hi guys, I'm pretty new to LibreCAD and still learning. So please forgive me if I say something wrong. For context, I'm using the Windows version of LibreCAD.
I am wondering if there is a hidden feature that makes drawing lines faster? Let's say I just set the first point of the line and want to create another point 10 units to the right. Typing "@10,0" is just painfully slow. Can I just type "10" and hold down a key to constrain the direction to a horizontal line and then click? Is there a way in LibreCAD to do this?
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Re: A faster way to draw lines?

well, yes, you can.

You can point coordinates:
1) by mouse (+snap)
2) by coordinates (cartesian, polar - and absolute/relative form)
3) there are several commands to draw a line, and some may be more suitable for some operations - for example, "Snake" command will ask for distance only in appropriate mode
3) using CTRL+LEFT, CTRL+RIGHT, CTRL+UP, CTRL+DOWN in cmd widget).
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Re: A faster way to draw lines?

Hi Sand1024,

Thank you for your help.
The CTRL and arrow keys is what I need.
This is so refreshing!

I tried the Snake tool but currently its a bit buggy.
But for me the line tool and the polyline tool are enough, so no problem at all.

Again thank you!
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Re: A faster way to draw lines?

>I tried the Snake tool but currently its a bit buggy.
Could you please report its bug to Git tracker or here?
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Re: A faster way to draw lines?

When I use the line or the polyline and have snap to grid and other snaps turned on, the snap indicator (the orange lines) appears on the screen. But when I use the snake tool, the snap indicator lines do not appear. Although it seems that the snapping is still working, there is just no indication that it is working. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior or not. This only happens for the first point. For the second point and the rest, the snap indicator is back to normal. I'm using the Windows version of LibreCAD.