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Adding obliging angle support in "Text" entity.

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Adding obliging angle support in "Text" entity.


- Recently, Rallaz added "Text" entity support in LibreCAD,
  and this is really great :-)

- However, something is missing :-(
  LibreCAD does not (still) support obliging angle in "Text"
  i.e.: In the "Text" entity property dialog box, there is an option
  named "Oblique", but that option is disabled.

- So, I have a question...
  Considering the way LibreCAD was designed, is it possible
  to add support for obliging angle in "Text" entity ?


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Re: Adding obliging angle support in "Text" entity.

All is possible with time :-)

"Oblique" option is disabled because is not implemented but exist pending to implement.

For complete text support, the remaining parts are:
width factor with fonts that contains arcs, like iso.lff
and oblique angle
The first are a problem of insert with different x/y scale.
For the second are required a new implementation of
a char class.
I started writing a new class but I am bussy for, at least, 3 weeks