Attaching a dimension that shows position

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Attaching a dimension that shows position

I am very new to both CAD and LibreCad.

Currently I am doing a panel layout for an electronics project. The positions of the panel components (switches, connectors etc) are shown using dimensions from the edges of the panel.

Is there a way to "associate" or "attach" the dimension to the object (switch, meter, connector) so that when it is moved the dimension reflects the change? Or do I have to delete the dimension and re-do it?
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Re: Attaching a dimension that shows position

There are no "associated" dimensions in LibreCAD.
You can use Tools - Modify - Stretch to move the object, if it can be grabbed isolated. When specifying the selection window also the marker/handle of the dimension extension line is caught and moved along.
Alternatively you also can just select the dimension and move the according handle manually, snap works here.
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Re: Attaching a dimension that shows position

Stretch does the job, typing in the amount to move by gets to exactly the right point. Thanks