Autosave and restack layers command.

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Autosave and restack layers command.

Long time user of LibreCAD. love the CAD. but there are a few things that it does that frustrate me.
one is Auto save, I always turn it off as I find it does an Auto save and I end up with a crashed Cad file, that will either open with missing work I have done or the file is completely empty. I turn the Auto save function of and run with out it and out of habit every 20 minutes or so I save the Cad file. what is frustrating is that every 3 or so days, the Auto Save button shows up as being checked. if it is unchecked and saved, it should remain so.

I find that Fills and hatches to not move easily to the bottom when you want to re-stack the layers. Can not this be refined in to  something that can be determined right away. Maybe the layer list could be set up to control the layers set up, if you move  a layer in the layer list is moved up or down, that the layer on the plan will shift up and down to match the Layer list.

I would be willing to beta test  new versions if you need beta Testers.

let me know.

John Telder

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Re: Autosave and restack layers command.


The dev-section is more to development issues- User and troubleshooting would have been better.

Can you tell which version of LibreCAD are you using?

Also the OS.