Bug? - entity ordering tool won't work after several uses on same entities

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Bug? - entity ordering tool won't work after several uses on same entities

Entity ordering tool seems to work randomly and with different requirements. In moving rectangles and their hatches or just rectangles down or up, the tool first asks to confirm chosen entities (I hit return) and then after 3 to 5 moves, it skips the entity confirmation step and won't work any more. Closing the program and opening it again will reset the tool. If I am not in the same layer as the entity it might or might not work. If I change a layer attribute then some entities in that layer will change their order.

In general, not being able to see the list of entities and drag some to the right place in the order is a pain. Librecad is being used for an architectural drawing. Putting siding, paper, sheathing onto studs and ordering is very tedious. It appears that entities are ordered semi-randomly when first created, and hatches are not ordered with the objects they fill.