Building from Source

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Building from Source

For a new contributor the 'Building from Source' page seems to have some important missing information.

Building for Linux:  The page suggests at you should install dt5-default - apparently this was removed from Ubuntu in version 21.04 - I don't know about other distros, but perhaps reference to this should be removed.

The next suggestion is to "use qtchooser prior to running qmake; qtchooser -qt5"

This syntax for running qtchooser seems to be invalid - it doesn't want to accept -qt5 as an argument.

I found that the following worked for me:
qtchooser -run-tool=qmake -qt=5 -r

It might also be worth mentioning that the syntax to get a debug build is:
qtchooser -run-tool=qmake -qt=5 -r CONFIG+=debug

The third problem I encountered is that having done all that it didn't actually build.  Eventually I figured out that the master branch isn't for qt5 - but qt6.  So I would suggest the instructions should say to use the 2.2.1 branch - or is there a qt5-devBranch?   I know this is mentioned in the readme in github, but it's still an obstacle for new contributors.