Can't see .dxf

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Can't see .dxf

Tom Herrick
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I have a .dxf file where the major and minor contours are on two separate layers. That's fine for printing with two different lineweights, but the cut and fill software I have will only import one set of contours; it won't let me import elevation data twice. What I want to do is to open up the .dxf and combine the major and minor contour layers.
So, I installed LibreCAD and opened the file but can't see any of the features. The file works fine in all my other applications and I have yet to figure out why I can't see them here. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.


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Re: Can't see .dxf

Without the file it's hard to tell....
You may provide the file with More v - Upload a file.

You may also do View - Autozoom and then, if still nothing appears, do Tools - Select - Select all. This would highlight tiny objects.
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Re: Can't see .dxf

Tom Herrick
Well I tried that at your suggestion and saw a point with a + symbol and some text I didn't recognize from the survey but nothing else. The entire background is black and I haven't found a way to change that. I have opened the file is a couple of other software applications and could see it just fine. I'm at a loss here...

I don't understand the "More v" you're referencing in this sentence: You may provide the file with More v - Upload a file.
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Re: Can't see .dxf


I mean in the browser's forum view.
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Re: Can't see .dxf

Tom Herrick
Finally figured it out; thanks. However, the file is over 12 Mb and the forum won't accept anything over 5...

I have a dwg version but the cut and fill software doesn't seem to like to import contour data from that format. That said, I haven't tried to open that version with LibreCAD and, who knows?, it might work...

Thanks! I'll upload it here and will try opening it in LibreCAD, joining the major and minor contour layers and see if that works in Kubla Cubed. Certainly worth a try. It's been six days trying to determine the cubic yards of fill I'll need for my project...TopoX.dwg

OK, well that didn't work. For some reason LibreCAD doesn't like the .dwg that my surveyor output from AutoCAD...

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Re: Can't see .dxf

Make a zip-file of the dxf to send it.
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Re: Can't see .dxf

Tom Herrick
You're really testing me, Dellus... I haven't zipped up a file in years. I think I have it done. Seems like I have to upload the folder containing the file; every time I try to upload the file itself I'm told it's over 12 Mb...  Hope this works.

Thanks again.

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Re: Can't see .dxf

The problem was that this is a surveyor file which has the x,y 0,0 coordinate very far from the drawing object, according to some geographic system. Librecad then does position the relevant drawing area together with the xy 0,0 spot into the screen. Thus the relevant area is just an unnoticable spot.
I have moved the relevant area nearer to 0,0.
The drawing still takes very long to load, probably there are a lot of unused layers and blocks contained which could be cleaned out.

See what you can make of it:
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Re: Can't see .dxf

In reply to this post by Tom Herrick
It just comes to my mind: LibreCAD is a pure 2D program, so in the edited file version there is no height (z vector) information. So no cubic yards can be calculated.
I tried to open the original file (both dxf and dwg in an other , 3d-capable more advanced program, but it could not be opened. Maybe the file format was too new. It's a wonder LibreCAD opened it.
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Re: Can't see .dxf

Tom Herrick
Thanks, dellus. Google search for cut and fill software brought up LibreCAD. Of course, there are all kinds of cut and fill... Appreciate your help and clarification on this.

All the best,

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Re: Can't see .dxf

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Re: Can't see .dxf

In reply to this post by Tom Herrick
I'm using a translator.


I tried the file and it opened, there are two screenshots attached.

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Best regards.