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Compiling in QT Creator, MSVC2013, Windows 64-bit: Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

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Compiling in QT Creator, MSVC2013, Windows 64-bit: Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

7 posts
This post was updated on Aug 26, 2016; 7:47pm.

I am building LibreCAD on Windows 10 64-bit. I am using QT Creator with VC2013 and 2015 installed. I download the source code, added the boost paths in custom.pro, opened Librecad.pro and configured the solution as MSVC2013.

I had many errors and I succeeded in getting rid of all of them by doing these:

- In dl_writer_ascii.cpp: Change

snprintf(str,12, "%0X", value); 

_snprintf(str,12, "%0X", value); in both dxHex() and  dxfReal()

- In Jwwdoc.cpp, add const to all the XXXXXXX::Serialize(std::ofstream& ofstr) functions like this:

void XXXXXXX::Serialize(std::ofstream& ofstr) const <---- { .. }

Now, I only have one more error. One, more, to go.. Which is this:

Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

Could you please tell me what should I do?

I tired adding "-j 1" to the arguments, and it did not do any difference.

This is how my configuration looks like:

Please and thanks.
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Re: Compiling in QT Creator, MSVC2013, Windows 64-bit: Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

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Re: Compiling in QT Creator, MSVC2013, Windows 64-bit: Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

870 posts
This is one of the more useful pages http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-variable-reference.html
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Re: Compiling in QT Creator, MSVC2013, Windows 64-bit: Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

870 posts
There is also muparser.pri
which is included in src.pro

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Re: Compiling in QT Creator, MSVC2013, Windows 64-bit: Error: dependent '..\..\generated\lib\libmuparser.a' does not exist.

870 posts
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$GEN_LIB_DIR/libmuparser.a

"Some backends, such as the generators for Visual Studio and Xcode project files, do not support this variable."


I don't know what the alternative is...