Converting outline fonts using ttf2lff

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Converting outline fonts using ttf2lff

Walt Weber
New user here, working on Windows 7. LibreCad version is
Version: 2.2.0-rc2-8-g8b2b62d1
Compiler: GNU GCC 7.3.0
Compiled on: Mar 17 2021
Qt Version: 5.12.4
Boost Version: 1.65.1
System: Windows 7 SP 1 (6.1)

I've added a directory in my Application PATHS to hold the font files I convert from either
TTF ("OpenType Layout, TrueType Outlines" per the windows font viewer)or OTF ("OpenType
layout, PostScript Outlines") files. I am able to use these new personal fonts in LibreCad.

The font viewer displays these fonts as "solid filled", whereas using the LFF files to insert
text into a test document has the text rendered as outline (both display and print).

This probably makes sense from the description of both original fonts as "Outlines", but is
there a way I can have these outline texts rendered as solid-filled rather than outlines?

I've attempted to "explode text into letters" and then use a solid hatch to fill a letter, but the
hatch operation doesn't recognize the letter as a closed surface.


Walt Weber
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Re: Converting outline fonts using ttf2lff

"Explode Text into Letters" is not enough, use "Explode" to desintegrate the text completely.
Basically it works then, but the Hatch tool is not very good, especially with nested contours. More handwork needed.
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Re: Converting outline fonts using ttf2lff

Walt Weber
Thanks for the response, dellus.

Is there anything that can be done regarding the underlying issue of converting outline-type fonts in a manner that they are filled in when used?

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Re: Converting outline fonts using ttf2lff

I fear there is no way. The only real solution would be to enable the use of ttf fonts. But this means a major coding effort so is not to be expected in the foreseeable future.
I have experimented with writing text in LibreOffice or Inkscape and explode and export as dxf, but to no avail, you only get the outline then, again.
Best to forget about using filled fonts in LibreCAD.