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Create some parametrable block

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Create some parametrable block

4 posts
Hello all,

I have always the same shape to draw.  

For an easy example  I draw often an disc with inside diameter and outside diameter.
I woulk like to select an "Disc block" and that the software ask me :
- Give me the "Outside Diameter" and after give me the "Inside Diameter"
With these information the software draw the disc with the input values.

Is it possible yo create these sort of block?

Thank you very much for your answer.
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Re: Create some parametrable block

1972 posts
1, use "Edit Block";
2, create a plugin (C++);
3, use LibreCAD V3 scripting, but v3 still has a long way before a stable release.

Rylos wrote
Hello all,

I have always the same shape to draw.  

For an easy example  I draw often an disc with inside diameter and outside diameter.
I woulk like to select an "Disc block" and that the software ask me :
- Give me the "Outside Diameter" and after give me the "Inside Diameter"
With these information the software draw the disc with the input values.

Is it possible yo create these sort of block?

Thank you very much for your answer.
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Re: Create some parametrable block

4 posts
Thank you for your answer.
To do that it's necessary to know C++?
It's easy to do ?

Today you advice or not to install V3 version ?
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Re: Create some parametrable block

R. van Twisk
489 posts

V3 is missing a lot right now most notably it's missing DXF export.

With this year's GSoC we will be working on actually making something working.
But in the end it should be considered as a pre-pre alpha version.


On May 8, 2016, at 3:21 PM, Rylos [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you for your answer.
To do that it's necessary to know C++?
It's easy to do ?

Today you advice or not to install V3 version ?

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Re: Create some parametrable block

4 posts
Ok thank you for your Answer.

So today there is no solution with V2.10 version ?
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Re: Create some parametrable block

14 posts
I suggest to do what I am doing for 2.xx versions and create an external program that generates a dxf file.

I am using python with ezdxf package currently to create files and then save them into my part library.
