Dimension problem

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Dimension problem

Having an annoying issue with Librecad 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 22.04
When dimensions are inserted on a dimension layer only the last entered dimension can be selected.   Click on any other element or anywhere on the screen and the last entry is always selected.  Can't select any other element on the screen to modify or move  Only the last entry.
What setting have I stuffed up?    Probably some simple dumb thing.
Tried everything I can think of and checked through all the available options but found nothing.
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Re: Dimension problem

I'm not clear on the issue.

Could you add an issue at github?

With sample dxf, and steps to reproduce, if possible.

jimmiehillam wrote
Having an annoying issue with Librecad 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 22.04
When dimensions are inserted on a dimension layer only the last entered dimension can be selected.   Click on any other element or anywhere on the screen and the last entry is always selected.  Can't select any other element on the screen to modify or move  Only the last entry.
What setting have I stuffed up?    Probably some simple dumb thing.
Tried everything I can think of and checked through all the available options but found nothing.
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Re: Dimension problem

In reply to this post by jimmiehillam
I can't reproduce this. Please create issue on GitHub (https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/issues) and attach appropriate dxf (or sample one where such issue may be introduced).

And as a possible hint - please check
1) whether other dimensions are not on locked layer
2) check current snap/restriction options (it might be that last dimension is selected due to snap?)