Do you use the cal command?

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Do you use the cal command?

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I'm asking because it requires a 'space' character,
which means we can't use the space bar to submit a command.
This is unfortunate, especially for people coming from Autocad.

The idea I'm inclined toward is a separate input/widget for math,
with an automatic or quick copy feature.

It all depends on how people want to use it.
Let me know...
Do you use the cal command?
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Re: Do you use the cal command?

In 2.2.0-alpha-24+ you can use space-bar to accept commands.
No need to erect any statues in my honor... ;D

The cal command now toggles the Calculator mode.
After toggling this mode on
input will be considered a mathematical expression
until the cal command is used again.

Also note that space-bar will toggle free snap when the cmd line is empty;
this is intended to help with placing dimensions.
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Re: Do you use the cal command?

No need to erect any statues in my honor... ;D

carved with our coper tools, obviously not
 but molded ?

this tremendously helps with placing dimensions.

why calling free snap which is in fact no snap at all,
would not snapfree or snapless be better names ?
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Re: Do you use the cal command?

"carved with our coper tools, obviously not
 but molded ?"

Or maybe 3D printed... ;-]

"this tremendously helps with placing dimensions."


"why calling free snap which is in fact no snap at all"

It might not be noticeable on a trackpad,
but there is proximal snapping with 'free snap' during mouse movement.
The name could probably still be improved.