Drawing line with a specified endpoint (feet and inches)

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Drawing line with a specified endpoint (feet and inches)

I am seeking help in how to draw a line with a specified endpoint in feet and inches, but I receive an 'Expression Syntax Error' because LibreCad doesn't understand my input. I began the drawing by setting the workspace units to 'Architectural'. The line I want to draw is 23 and 5/8ths inches long (just under two feet in length) with the startpoint @ 0,0,0.  Here are the steps I entered from the command line:

[Command]: line
[Specify first point]: 0,0,0
[Specify second point] ; 1'-11 5/8",0
[Message from LibreCad]: Expression Syntax Error

What is the correct syntax for expressing 23-5/8" ?
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Re: Drawing line with a specified endpoint (feet and inches)

Support for imperial units is a bit limited in LibreCAD. 'Architectural' applies only to how it is shown in dimensions and in the status bar. For input you can only use inches.
As a workaround for 23-5/8" type 23*12+5/8 .
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Re: Drawing line with a specified endpoint (feet and inches)

It works! I neglected to say thank you in a timely manner, so THANK YOU! :)
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Re: Drawing line with a specified endpoint (feet and inches)

In reply to this post by Polyteknik
Most often we have to draw in feet and inches.
So wherever you are writing just use the format given below.
The default is Architectural inches.
So for

1. 5 feet
Write 5 * 12 in input box.
Note the asterik in the above

2. 5 feet 2 inches
Wrte 5 * 12 + 2 in the input box
Librecad automatically converts the above values.

The input box is at the top whenever you select 2 end points and Horizontal.