G'day from Oz (Australia)

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G'day from Oz (Australia)

I was a refugee from Autocad LT many years ago. When Windows XP needed a rebuild in the late 90's I calculated it would cost me around $4000 to reinstall Autocad LT. I am not a professional, I just wanted to do technical drawings with sub-millimeter accuracy on a computer rather than my old drawing board. And Autocad wasn't the only program that was going to cost heaps.
I had been curious about Linux for years before, tried a few installations, then heard about Ubuntu. Tried it. Looked for a Linux CAD program. Found a few. OpenCAD was clunky and buggy, reminding me of Autosketch in 1989 but it was good enough. I tossed the whole Microsoft/Windows/Autodesk/Capitalist-centric circus out the window. That was what....25 years ago? I have used and followed CAD development in Linux ever since but somehow never joined a forum. I bet I use LibreCAD oddly compared to many of you. I am trying to use FreeCAD more often, but the 2D format is faster to get my head around and is adequate for most of what I do.
I am not a prolific forum user, but I contribute occasionally as an article, rarely commentary.
Cheers for the new year of 2025 everyone!
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Re: G'day from Oz (Australia)

Work through the wiki tutorials and manual linked at the top of the forum main page or website. You'll become proficient in LibreCAD soon enough.