Getting "Expression Syntax Error" when dividing with a decimal point

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Getting "Expression Syntax Error" when dividing with a decimal point

Jim Winkler
I want to draw a rectangle from 0,0 to 44mm,42mm. So for the second point I enter "44/25.4,42/25.4". I get an "Expression Syntax Error". LibreCad would take a similar expression before I installed Version: v2.2.1.1 - I restarted LibreCad and Windows 11/64 and got the same error. For the second point with a rectangle and line (only tested these cases), 2.5,5 and 5/2,5 work, but  5/2.0,5 and 5/2.,5 returns the error. It seems that a decimal in the divisor causes the error. I do not get an error with the offset function, an offset of "5/25.4" produces the expected result. Should I go back to v2.2.1? Thank you -Jim
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Re: Getting "Expression Syntax Error" when dividing with a decimal point

As a workaround you could try with parentheses:
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Re: Getting "Expression Syntax Error" when dividing with a decimal point

Jim Winkler
That works! Thank you!
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Re: Getting "Expression Syntax Error" when dividing with a decimal point

In reply to this post by Jim Winkler
I will troubleshoot this one.

Jim Winkler wrote
I want to draw a rectangle from 0,0 to 44mm,42mm. So for the second point I enter "44/25.4,42/25.4". I get an "Expression Syntax Error". LibreCad would take a similar expression before I installed Version: v2.2.1.1 - I restarted LibreCad and Windows 11/64 and got the same error. For the second point with a rectangle and line (only tested these cases), 2.5,5 and 5/2,5 work, but  5/2.0,5 and 5/2.,5 returns the error. It seems that a decimal in the divisor causes the error. I do not get an error with the offset function, an offset of "5/25.4" produces the expected result. Should I go back to v2.2.1? Thank you -Jim