How to draw a hyperbola?

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How to draw a hyperbola?

what would be an easy way to draw a hyperbola in LibreCAD.
Can it be done by modifying an ellipse?
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Re: How to draw a hyperbola?

Unfortunately, hyperbola is not fully implemented. We have most components ready, by missing the GUI support for creation and the actual rendering (drawing the curves), clearly the most important parts are missing from the user perspective. Any help is welcome.

For parabola support, you can actually get it by the spline Points (degree=2).

Using elliptical arcs to approximate a hyperbola is not easy.

For approximation, you can try the plot equation plugin, then you have the freedom to draw a hyperbola

fbee wrote
what would be an easy way to draw a hyperbola in LibreCAD.
Can it be done by modifying an ellipse?
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Re: How to draw a hyperbola?

Hello. I would also be interested in this.
How should I enter this in the plot equation plugin?
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Re: How to draw a hyperbola?

Like y = 1/x, no problem. We are using muparser, which can evaluate functions like a calculator.

What we want is a quick way to implement hperbola and parabola.

cadtec wrote
Hello. I would also be interested in this.
How should I enter this in the plot equation plugin?
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Re: How to draw a hyperbola?

Parabola is supported starting 2.2.1

Still need help on implementing hyperbola.

dxli wrote
Like y = 1/x, no problem. We are using muparser, which can evaluate functions like a calculator.

What we want is a quick way to implement hperbola and parabola.

cadtec wrote
Hello. I would also be interested in this.
How should I enter this in the plot equation plugin?