Gary S wrote
I once had a spreadsheet to do the conversion, but it seems to have disappeared into the ether. If I do find it, I'll post it here.
EDIT: Found it: SitePlanCalculations.ods
I found the .ods file Gary_S shared very helpful in getting on the right track with this issue, thanks Gary_S! So I wanted to share what I progressed in this converter spreadsheet. The original sheet is still included.
To use the worksheet:
1) Enter all the distances and bearings in the 'Survey Loop' table
2) Copy the 'Command' column from the adjacent 'LibreCAD' table
3) In LibreCAD, select the '2 Point Line' or enter 'line' in command box
4) Set the starting point, I typically use 0,0
5) In LibreCAD versions 2.2 and newer, click the menu button next to command box and select 'Paste Multiple Commands', this should enter everything from the worksheet
Hope someone finds this helpful!
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