Libre cab transform my lettering

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Libre cab transform my lettering

I would like to transform my lettering into a drawing and save it in dxf?
Can you help me?
Logiciel libre cad

Best regards
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Re: Libre cab transform my lettering

Do you mean to transform letters drawn by hand with a brush or a pen? This can not be done with LibreCAD. What is the purpose?
You have to use a different program. You can try Inkscape, which is Open Source and free.
First you have to make a high quality scan, preferably in black and white only, no greyscales. You can try if a photo is good enough. Best save it as png. Then import or open in Inkscape. Go to Path  - Trace Bitmap. Then go to File - Save as and select dxf.
There are also other vectorising tools you may google for, I recommend try Inkscape first. It also depends on what you need it for.