Avneet Kaur wrote
I want a DXF2000 file not a DXF12.
DXFr12 is the most simple and supported around the world, but do not support lwpolylines, ellipse and other "modern" features
Avneet Kaur wrote
If we include only entity section, then it will run on all CAD software or not.
Yes, but I can't talk in the name of developers of ALL CAD software
Avneet Kaur wrote
By default LibreCAD is not adding the classes section to DXF file, then why it is adding the Objects section??
classes section is not added because LibreCAD do not use any "special" feature requiring this section.
See attached file, this contains only CLASSES section and APPID table, this file is generated by AutoCAD Map 3D 2012. None of these data are needed by LibreCAD or other CAD not using these features.
Objects section is added by LC because IMAGE entity are supported and IMAGE require a IMAGEDEF object like INSERT require a BLOCK/BLOCK_RECORD pair