the real issues, I address further below of this message. You can skip the beginning, if you are pressed. Having been exposed to the code for a short time, only, I might be predestined to write some HOWTO or at least to contribute my own advice on how to get started with the development of LibreCAD. What I want to add to the Wiki, -amongst others and because I would have had use for it, myself-, is a style-guide. On the Main Page of the Wiki, under "Topic Pages", there are listed "HOWTOs and Guides" and at the same time "API & Development". Could you throw me a few exemplary topics or ideas for documentation which could help me understand what you expect to place under which one of both headers? A style-guide belongs under HOWTOs and Guides as well as under API & Development, but then again.., "This is the community site which provides semi-static documentation for LibreCAD users and developers" could mean, that under Topic Pages, we should place directly and quite simply "Style Guide". The real issues: _Suggestion_: Remove "HowTos and Guides" and place the documents directly under one of the remaining Topics. _Question_: What *Is the style-guide*? Thanks to git, changing formatting in the source-code appears to be much less of a pain, than it had been with the other versioning systems, that I know. However, should you agree with me, we should discuss all that, or I might just as well devise my own wish-list and publish it perkily as the style-guide, so you could go ahead and rip the passages that you find unsatisfactory. _Examples_: I cannot condone return values being declared but not returned, especially if the caller of such method implicitly assumes the returned value being valid, be it because the same developer who wrote both, *knows* when it would be a bad idea to proceed... The problems which arise from such sloppiness will hurt as they always did. The code-indentation should be unified, as following the changes in the committed code is unnecessarily complicated otherwise. _Discussion_: That's up to you now. ;-) I will be quite distracted during the following days due to appointments, some travelling and money matters. However I will follow the development, especially on dxli's branch. My messages are lengthy, sometimes due to my own distrust in my language-skills, sometimes, because I want to provoke your reactions to become equally elaborated. I guess this should be condoned, when we discuss *documentation*. Thank you, Michael. -- GnuPG/OpenPGP: 2048D/74A227D5 2010-04-09 [verfällt: 2012-04-08] sub: 2048g/4E580A13 2010-04-09 [verfällt: 2012-04-08] User: Michael Uplawski (privat) <[hidden email]> Fingerprint: 1E6E 87CF B2F5 EBBC ACB6 7120 0A44 0972 74A2 27D5
I think a person's worth is measured by nature, in her own terms, not by joining a clique of mutual praise with no connection to reality. (Paul Lutus)
Hello Michael,
That's a very important task. Also, it could be a shortcut to a LibreCAD API expert. About besides return value fixes, I'm also thinking about rvalue reference of C++11. About code-indentation, I'm tryingcode-indentation to follow the default settings in qt-creator. We might have to make a unified set of options. Thanks, Dongxu On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 6:32 AM, PatGuano [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote: Hello, |
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