LibreCAD tutorials in Finnish language 🇫🇮

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LibreCAD tutorials in Finnish language 🇫🇮


I have been using LibreCAD for a while now and some time ago I was asked to make tutorial videos in Finnish for it.
I decided to use current 2.2.1 RC3 version for tutorials, because it seems to be better than stable, at least in my opinion.

I release my videos to Makertube, maybe one per week:

I hope these will help someone.
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Re: LibreCAD tutorials in Finnish language 🇫🇮

Thanks a lot!

We are releasing 2.2.1as stable soon.

HendriXXX wrote

I have been using LibreCAD for a while now and some time ago I was asked to make tutorial videos in Finnish for it.
I decided to use current 2.2.1 RC3 version for tutorials, because it seems to be better than stable, at least in my opinion.

I release my videos to Makertube, maybe one per week:

I hope these will help someone.