Model/paper space

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Model/paper space

Joe Richardson
I like to draw actual size because of CNC reasons so a paper space would help when I design big items
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Re: Model/paper space

Hello and welcome!

LibreCAD is an open source project, that means most if not all develepors do it in their spare time.

That leads to an other problem, most open source projects are in constant need of more developers.
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Re: Model/paper space

V3 is ambitious, so I would expect the need of a few full time developers to reach and surpass features available in v2.

Ideally, we should implement in v3 key new features (at geometric level, say, parabola, Hyperbola, hatching, and projective geometry (like dual curves)), before backporting to v2.

Limited development time is the issue. Otherwise, we can directly get views at v3, and port back to v2 by taking the Qt variant.

aman wrote
Hello and welcome!

LibreCAD is an open source project, that means most if not all develepors do it in their spare time.

That leads to an other problem, most open source projects are in constant need of more developers.