Thanks for getting back to me.
I had found out how to get wide lines to display using Print Preview after my post was made
by finding another user's post. That is a less than optimal way to do things, but I can work
with it.
The inability to work with entities displayed over a background image is a deal-breaker. Most
of my work consists of creating layers for QGIS by loading up aerial images or topo maps
then adding new vector entities by drawing over roads, etc., scaling to UCS, then adding the
layer to QGIS project.
Will keep booting into Windows and running AutoCad LT and/or trying to install it under WINE
until a more full-featured CAD package for Linux shows up.
On July 29, 2017 3:40:04 AM MST, "dellus [via LibreCAD]" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
For me snapping on lines above an image works.
A known limitation is that you can't select an object for modification by clicking on it, as the drawing then disappears to behind the image.
Line width is in fact being shown but not adapted to the intended scale of the drawing. In drawing mode it's always shown 1:1. So if you are working on a map that may stretch over several kilometers a line of 0.5 mm thickness will appear very faint. You have to switch to Print Preview and set the intended scale to check how it will look like.