Hello, I am a long time user of AutoCAD LT in an IT department. My duties were PC Support, managing servers, the data side of CNC machines, and 'other duties as assigned'. I used ACLT for floor plans and to create drawings from drill templates to woodworking plans at home. When I retired, I lost my subscription for ACLT, because I could not afford it out of my pocket.
My background is in electronics; a love of mine since I was a young boy. I worked for a company troubleshooting computers and computer peripherals (from1980 to 1997) then left and went to work for a company that makes fluid handling, lubrication equipment, paint sprayers and a few other things, until I retired late last year.
My hobbies now are electronics, photography, astronomy, woodworking, computers, fishing and hunting. So much to do and I
still don't have enough time!

I wouldn't say I'm an expert with AutoCAD LT, but I did learn quite a bit from coworkers and I had to support the software, so I had to learn quickly.