Thanks for the good wishes dellus and no offence taken by me.
Initially training will be classroom (for Mens Shed members - most of us are over 50)( ) but if it goes well I may try putting it on YouTube or elsewhere. The intention is to give them 4 hours of fairly intensive basic training followed by a couple of hours trying those basic skills on one or two design projects of their choice from a range of about 4.
Given LibreCAD is cross-platform the training will be given using Linux but of course the intention is that they will be able to continue at home regardless of their home OS.
I only have room to train 4 people at a time and, as yet, have not determined how many of the 70 or so members will be interested. Will probably have a busy year providing this voluntary training as LibreCAD will not be the only software taught. However I propose to concentrate on open source programs unless I am persuaded to offer a couple of MS Office items (if people really can't imagine converting to open source). If everything goes really, really well we may begin to offer training more generally in the community to raise a little non-profit revenue.