Newbie here needs help

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Newbie here needs help

Hi everyone,

I am a new user.  I will be using LibreCAD probably mostly for electrical drawings.  So far, I like LibreCAD for block diagrams, which is what I mostly used for.  However I can't find a connector line function that allow me to connect blocks together so that when I move the blocks the lines will stay connected to the blocks.  Is there such connector line function in LibreCAD?
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Re: Newbie here needs help

Colonel Dan
Hi Mike,
I'm new also.  Just registered.

I read your request for help and thought it strange someone hasn't answered yet.  I recently watched a video for beginner LibreCAD folks.  I've watched a few now.  One demonstrated how to do just what you are asking about.  The process is simple.  I just did it.  After you've drawn the object and have it as you want, select all segments.  Moving the mouse from right to left with the left mouse button depressed will create a green shape that will select any and all line segments it comes in contact with.  Do this.  Once you have your object fully selected, go to the icon on the left toolbar that looks like a fish hook (PolyLines).  Select it and a dropdown menu will appear.  At the bottom of that menu select Create Polyline from existing Segments.  And that should do it.  The segments that make up you object are now glued together and will move around as you command them, all as a unit.

Hope this works for you.  Please let me know if it does.  I am the least qualified person on earth to be explaining things to you and I may have misinformed you.  Good luck.
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Re: Newbie here needs help

Hi all
I have just entered into FORUM \. I will be using LibreCAD for personal use. Most CAD programs I have used were DWG format. Libre CAD struggles to import  DWG & exports DXF. Can I continue to develop DXF files & when I import DWG files do I lose any data or does it corrupt the file when converting?