This might be why I can't see anything I've drawn on the screen. What does that mean, 0 width lines? Isn't a 0-width line nothing at all? I'm coming from Gimp. On the other hand, in the world of math, all lines are zero width, by definition, a line is a straight figure whose points lie upon themselves when viewed from one end, a "breadthless length" as Euclid says. Still, everyone uses a piece of chalk when drawing one, so the people in the back of the room can see it. Are lines all you can draw, maybe this is part of my problem. I need a rectangle, that is, a plane figure, not a line figure, that is, one who is colored in. Can't seem to find the color-this-thing-in button, can't figure out how to select the rectangle once you've made it, can't seem to find the paint bucket tool, can't figure out what the icons mean, or how to make them big enough to be seen.