I am getting back in after a heavy workload on the farm. Three problems, 1) problem getting the default Librecad from 18.1 Serena, it does not look anything like the application illustrated in the Software Manager?
2)/"Te package 'librecad' could not be moved (system error installArchives failed)?
3) Downloading from home of Librecad, does not seem to provide default settings?
Hi, Thank you for your speedy response, it is much appreciated.
The default that I talk about is the one that I see in the youtube tutorials with a drawing selection of two columns on the left of the modelling window. The author is "TheReinber" (odd name) and the version of the cad prog is the same as the one shown in the 18.1 Serena loading window.
The home of Librecad is just the web site download page location.
In respect of the default settings not being available for altering the code, it is quite a mystery as I did not see this default setup in OS version 18 either with its standard download Librecad?
Kind regards,
That is the old CAD toolbar,
which I replaced with:
- dock widgets in the left dock area (hidden by default)
- a toolbar for each category
- the categories toolbar
- custom toolbars
- custom menus
Thank you, well it all sounds very exciting, but I will have to sit down and work my way through all the changes and see how to load and use them.
Many thanks for your help,
Kind regards,
Hello again,
I am considering reinstalling Mint version 18 because of some of the problems I have experienced, if I do this, will the Librecad from version 18 give me the changes you have mentioned?
You need to provide more detailed information if you want help.
"via the Librecad web site"
What's the link?
I'm not aware of any linux downloads at librecad.org.
"terminal window and of course I install with the Software Manager."
Using what command, and what is the package name?
What version do you have installed now?
Which way did you download it?
What is the problem you have,
aside from the misconception about default settings?