Reload Style Sheet

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Reload Style Sheet

I'm not seeing any result when I select "Reload Style Sheet".
I'm using v2.1.3 on Windows 7.
I've created several related drawings. I've made changes to the drawing preferences along the way. Now I would like to get all the drawings to look the same - dimension lines, arrows, colors etc.
I tried the "Reload Style Sheet" to ensure a common style sheet for all drawings.  It doesn't seem to do anything. I've deleted a dimension in the drawing and recreated it without results.
So, I wonder:
1. Is this what this feature is designed for, and does it work?
2. If I reload the style sheet, do I have to do this, or anything, to get the drawing standardized?
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Re: Reload Style Sheet

I think a template would be more straight way.
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Re: Reload Style Sheet

Thanks for the suggestion.
First, I am using version 2.1.3, if that matters.  
Next, I think I am using a template.  The log shows my form coming from a "template".
I have created 5 or 6 forms, but have made some changes to my preferences on most. I'm trying to get all the drawings to look similar.
The "Reload Style Sheet" menu option is not clear.  I assume it means the same thing as "template".
I can change my "Drawing preferences" for one drawing, but i have to delete and redraw what I want changed.

I would like to be able to change some property on a "template" or "style sheet" and have it update a drawing if I open and save the drawing.  But, I think I have to go through each drawing and manually make any changes I want.  

(I'm just trying to get all the lines, dimensions and arrows to look the same).
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Re: Reload Style Sheet

Style sheet is a GUI thing, not for the drawings.
They use a CSS (cascading style sheet) syntax known from internet pages to modify the GUI elements like labels, buttons, drop downs and so.

So you have no other options than redraw or copy/paste with a common template I think.
Maybe layers can help to minimize efforts.
In Application Preferences -> Defaults you can enable to move selected entities to a new layer when activated in the layer list.
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Re: Reload Style Sheet

The concept of style sheets didn't originate with graphical user interfaces, it was a concept that originated in the publishing industry around half a century ago. The concept wasn't seen to be restricted to text, either. Here is a paper from 1983 that discusses the concept of graphical style sheets:

The application of style sheets passed from the publishing industry into word processing. Style sheets were quickly incorporated into many word processing products. Microsoft Word has used style sheets since the early days of Windows.

The concept of cascading style sheets was taken up as a matter of course by WWW developers who were very familiar with the concept of style sheets from their use in word processing.

However, more important in the context of this discussion is the application of style sheets for the production of graphics in the graphics industry. A number of companies developing software in the graphics industry are starting to integrate style sheets into their products, including Adobe:

An interesting application is the integration of style sheets in mapping software by Cartotype. Initial steps have also been taken towards incorporating style sheets into Inkscape.