Remove Hatching

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Remove Hatching

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This is ugly when you want to save the polygon:

To remove hatching in LibreCAD, follow these steps:
1. Select the hatched area:
 * Click on the hatching to select it
 * If it's difficult to select, use the "Select Window" tool to draw a box around the entire hatched area
2. Delete the hatching:
 * Press the Delete key on your keyboard
 * Or go to Edit > Delete in the top menu
3. If the above doesn't work:
 * Check if the hatching is on a separate layer. If so, select that layer and try deleting again
 * Try using the "Trim" tool to remove parts of the hatching
 * Use the "Explode" command if the hatching is part of a block, then delete the resulting entities
4. For persistent hatching:
 * Save your work
 * Try closing and reopening the file
 * If issues persist, consider redrawing the area without hatching

Remember, LibreCAD's handling of hatching can sometimes be quirky. If you continue to have problems, you might need to recreate the drawing without the problematic hatching.