on loading my librecad-project (see 20120418_Dachstudio.dxf) I got a segmentation fault in method optimizeContours(). : SS-SL-LR 8 62 256 62 370 -1 370 6 ByLayer 6 100 AcDbEntity 100 100 AcDbHatch 100 10 0 10 20 0 20 30 0 30 210 0 210 220 0 220 230 1 230 2 SOLID 2 70 1 70 71 0 71 91 1 91 92 1 92 93 4 93 72 1 72 10 9972 10 20 861.5 20 11 9972 11 21 856.5 21 72 1 72 10 9972 10 20 856.5 20 11 9963 11 21 856.5 21 72 1 72 10 9963 10 20 856.5 20 11 9963 11 21 861.5 21 72 1 72 10 9963 10 20 861.5 20 11 9972 11 21 861.5 21 97 0 97 75 0 75 76 1 76 98 0 98 0 HATCH 0 HATCH Speicherzugriffsfehler (segmenation fault) I've the same problem with the git-hub-version form 18-04-2012 and the latest ubuntu 11.04 version (2.0.0~alpha2+yeslib20121041136.693+20120416+cc440c9-0ubuntu0~daily7~natty1, 2.0.0~alpha2+yeslib20121041136.693+20120417+cc440c9-0ubuntu0~daily7~natty1). I find out, that there is no handling for the case next is an pointer to NULL. This NULL pointer comes from the instuction getNearestEndpoint(vpEnd,&dist,&next);. May be there is a bug with saving a project in an earlier version, too. For me a the moment I fixed it quick and dirty (see marked lines). If next is NULL, I exit the count()-loop. Hopefully there is no Problem with other contexts, because of this soulution. ** * Rearranges the atomic entities in this container in a way that connected * entities are stored in the right order and direction. * Non-recoursive. Only affects atomic entities in this container. * * @retval true all contours were closed * @retval false at least one contour is not closed * to do: find closed contour by flood-fill */ bool RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours() { // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: begin"<<std::endl; RS_DEBUG->print("RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours"); RS_EntityContainer tmp; tmp.setAutoUpdateBorders(false); bool closed=true; /** accept all full circles **/ QList<RS_Entity*> enList; for (uint ci=0; ci<count(); ++ci) { RS_Entity* e1=entityAt(ci); if (!e1->isEdge() || e1->isContainer() ) { enList<<e1; continue; } if(e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityCircle) { //directly detect circles, bug#3443277 tmp.addEntity(e1->clone()); enList<<e1; continue; } } // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: 1"<<std::endl; const auto itEnd=enList.end(); for(auto it=enList.begin();it!=itEnd;it++){ removeEntity(*it); } /** check and form a closed contour **/ // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: 2"<<std::endl; /** the first entity **/ RS_Entity* current(NULL); if(count()>0) { current=entityAt(0)->clone(); tmp.addEntity(current); removeEntity(entityAt(0)); }else return false; // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: 3"<<std::endl; RS_Vector vpStart; RS_Vector vpEnd; if(current!=NULL){ vpStart=current->getStartpoint(); vpEnd=current->getEndpoint(); } RS_Entity* next(NULL); // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: 4"<<std::endl; /** connect entities **/ while(count()>0){ double dist(0.); getNearestEndpoint(vpEnd,&dist,&next); if(dist>1e-4) { if(vpEnd.squaredTo(vpStart)<1e-8){ RS_Entity* e2=entityAt(0); tmp.addEntity(e2->clone()); vpStart=e2->getStartpoint(); vpEnd=e2->getEndpoint(); removeEntity(e2); continue; } closed=false; } if (next) { // my workaround if(vpEnd.squaredTo(next->getStartpoint())<1e-8){ vpEnd=next->getEndpoint(); }else{ vpEnd=next->getStartpoint(); } next->setProcessed(true); tmp.addEntity(next->clone()); removeEntity(next); }else{ // my workaround closed=false; // my workaround break; // my workaround } // my workaround } if( vpEnd.squaredTo(vpStart)>1e-8) closed=false; // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: 5"<<std::endl; // add new sorted entities: for (RS_Entity* en=tmp.firstEntity(); en!=NULL; en=tmp.nextEntity()) { en->setProcessed(false); addEntity(en->clone()); } // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: 6"<<std::endl; RS_DEBUG->print("RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: OK"); // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: end: count()="<<count()<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"RS_EntityContainer::optimizeContours: closed="<<closed<<std::endl; return closed; } Maybe there is a problem with the count()-method, too. Best Regards Erik (From Germany) P.S.: First I want to open a bug-request, but it isn't allowed to do this as anonymous. How can I register for bug-reports ?) |
hi Erik, between 2.0.0alpha2 and alpha3, I rewrote the optimizeContours() function. it would be interesting to find out how it segfaults with alpha2. your fix is very good to me. can you send a pull request to the official repository? I should merge it before investigating why getNearestEndpoint() returns small distance and NULL pointer. we should ensure this doesn't happen. my wild guess is about entities without any endpoint defined, say, circle, full ellipse. we have to improve the hatch creation algorithms. to allow more contour types: ellipses, splines, bezier curves( not implemented yet), and to allow simpler contour selection, say, by flood filling. we should use boost geometry algorithms more. I'm currently busy implementing hyperbola and parabola. you are very welcome to help librecad development. thanks a lot! Dongxu |
I send the pull request now. Tanks a lot. Erik |
Hi Erik,
I digged a little bit more on the cause of NULL pointers. It seems to be requirement of visible entities when searching for the nearest endpoint. https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/commit/a4006c521122d3e5524e2999c8024c949c683a83 We'd better cleanup the current algorithm. After that, we need to enable a smart contour detection (flood fill), enable hatch creation for ellipse border. I do hope we can work together to make LibreCAD better. Regards, Dongxu On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Erik [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote: Hello, -- Dongxu Li, Ph.D. www.librecad.org |
Hi Dongxu,
I'm sure we can work together. At the moment I've no experience with Qt and only very less experience with c++, but good experience with c. Because of a strong accident round about 10 years ago I'm not able to work again as a development engineer with focus on embedded systems. But I think there are some things I can do to help the librecad team. I don't find any possibility to build a debug version. I don't know if there is a direct possibility with qmake. For me I changed the the common.pro from QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x to QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x -g There must be a better way to build a debugger version. Because of the algorithm, I hope I've a little bit time in the next few days, to understand and have a look on it. Best Regards, Erik (from Germany) |
the best we to work with LibreCAD if you are not familiar with Qt is to fire up Qt Creator. It has options to generate debug and release code where you can step easily through the code from the IDE. Simple set at the bottom left of the IDE the project to Debug and to a full build. Then you can set your breakpoints and all that to stop at the right line and inspect variables. ![]() Ries On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Erik [via LibreCAD] wrote: Hi Dongxu, |
In reply to this post by Erik
I agree with Ries but, if you want to use konsole (1) the change are: CONFIG += debug highly recommended: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmake-project-files.html http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmake-running.html Qtcreator are very powerful: debbuger, variable inspector, valgrind, Qt help, class viewer and more... (1) I like KDE ;-) |
I mostly use my own building scripts in archlinux: make sure I add CXXFLAGS="-g" and not stripe the binary after compiling. I run gdb manually to debug after that. I may have to learn how to debug in qtcreator. I use qtcreator only as an editor (class viewer) with fakevim mode. Dongxu On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Rallaz [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote: Eric, -- Dongxu Li, Ph.D. www.librecad.org |
CONFIG += debug simply add -g -O0 -Wall and CONFIG += release -O2 see the screenshot attached by Ries: the first green arrow are run, the second (with a "bug") are debug and the hammer are build. Set config in debug for a "normal debug", in release are assembler debug :-D Check menu "tools->git" for git integration options. Rallaz |
On Apr 23, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Rallaz [via LibreCAD] wrote: CONFIG += debug I wouldn't add -O2 because this depends a bit on the compiler and how good it can optimize. so just leave that as CONFIG += release -O2 will properly be added for your environment. Better yet, just do that one the command line like this: qmake librecad.pro -r CONFIG+=release You can see what qmake is doing by checking you mkspec files within the Qt installation. Qt Creator does a pretty nice job and as a IDE it might not be the best, but it does have code completion, debugging and all that to get you started. Ries see the screenshot attached by Ries: |
thanks to all. What do you think about eclipse +cbt +egit +qt integration. My first test are looking very well. But I want to try Qt-Creator, too. According to debugging, I used gdb in the past, too. Now I'm using mostly ddd the graphical frontend, because in my opion it's much more confortable. Best Regards, Erik |
if you have the knowledge then you can use anything you like. I use eclipse on a daily base myself (java + flex work) and it's not a bad IDE. I am not sure how the GUI designers works in Ecli`se though, but you won't need that very often. We only have to make sure that whatever we do, it needs to compile on Windows, OSX and Linux. and that we use qmake to generate the makefiles. Ries On Apr 23, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Erik [via LibreCAD] wrote: Hello, |
I feel we should try to generate UI more by C++ rather than by UI forms, because it's easier to maintain C++.
Quite often, a minor change in a UI form results in 90% change of the file, harder to track changes. Dongxu On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 1:59 PM, R. van Twisk [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote: Erik, -- Dongxu Li, Ph.D. www.librecad.org |
On Apr 23, 2012, at 1:31 PM, dxli [via LibreCAD] wrote:
I know we are getting OT here. In my experience UI work is only a very small part of the total development time of a application. However, when a UI was build programmatically you can get into a lot of re-compile and test stages because you cannot always see the UI and of the underlaying framework responds to the changes you make. Additionally, little changes in the UI, even build programmatically can also result in a larger set of changes, eg, not only the XY/Y position of the button changes. For example when you move a button from one area to a other area, you will see multiple lines being changed. You would need to move code around and put the button in a different area of your program. Given ofcourse you build the UI with proer spacers and 'fluid' rater then fixed positions. Within QT a UI is build within .ui file that get's compiled into a cpp+h file. However, any change in the UI file doesn't get reflected into the program separating the concerns of UI (view) and program even better. If a button is moved we really don't care about how this was reflected in the UI file. We only care about the bugtrack entry showing the reasons. Our code would even stay exactly the same so in my opinion, building the UI graphically, in our case with UI designer would be more of a benefit Qt does have some very nice systems in place, see : http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/designer-using-a-ui-file.html and even allows for auto-creating connections between the slots and the UI. This allows writing even less code and plain simple this reduces maintenance. Ries
First I want to say thank you very much for the good tips. I played with Qt-creator, and I must say it's a very comfortable IDE. On playing with it I implement a new feature to filter the layer list for a better overview and much more comfort. (see my pull-request) ;-)
According the ui - In my opinion all ui-designer are very good for making very fast gui-projects, and learn much about e.g. Qt. But for maintenance c++ code is much better, because of my experience if you've only small changes, its good, but with bigger changes its very tough to handle your own handling code. Best Regards, Erik |
Hi Erik,
I tested and merged the pull requests. Related to the layer widget, there's a very interesting feature request: provide a way to reorder layers. https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3492292&group_id=342582&atid=1433847 Ideally, user should be able to control the drawing order of all entities. A partial but neat solution is by user access of the drawing order of layers. Best Regards, Dongxu
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 5:58 AM, Erik [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote: First I want to say thank you very much for the good tips. I played with Qt-creator, and I must say it's a very comfortable IDE. On playing with it I implement a new feature to filter the layer list for a better overview and much more comfort. (see my pull-request) ;-) -- Dongxu Li, Ph.D. www.librecad.org |
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