I have been a casual user of Draftsight. What I like about this product is there are lots of simple videos that get right to the subject matter. They are short and sweet. Works great for someone with a short attention span like me. :)
Most of the beginner videos I have seen get way off into the weeds. Can anyone recommend a series of videos for LibreCad 2.1.3?
Here is what I am looking for.
Drawing circles
Drawing lines.
I pretty much have have these but I am unsure of the various features like Center Point, 2 point etc but I am sure I will figure those out.
Here is one that is driving me nuts. Get the properties of an entity like a circle? How do I know the entities properties? In Draftsight you just click on the entity and there it is in the panel. How do I see the properties in LibreCad?
From first look LibreCAD seems like it will do a lot of the things I want to do that cost more money in Draftsight. I would love to be able to switch over.
Thanks figured it out. The application takes some getting used to but so far I really like what I see. Hard to beat the price. ;)
It would be nice if properties showed up on double click or something but it is nice the more recent command show up on the right click menu. Actually kind of cool.