Snap relative to a line wich is not orthogonal to XY-axis

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Snap relative to a line wich is not orthogonal to XY-axis


I have a question about the relative object snap.

For example, if I have a house that is not orthogonal in the image and I want to draw a line relative to the corner of the house with a measurement parallel to the house (from point 1 to point 2, see picture). How can I determine points 1 and 2?

The only way I have found is:
- Rotate the house parallel to the XY axis
- A line from the corner of the house to point 1 using relative coordinates (@2.5,-3.5)
- A second line from the corner of the house to point 2 using relative coordinates (@-4,-3).
- Connect the endpoints of both lines
- Delete auxiliary lines
- Rotate the house back to the original angle

Isn't there an easier way?

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Re: Snap relative to a line wich is not orthogonal to XY-axis

You could do

parallel down distance 3 of the bottom long wall.
Circle radius 4 with center in the end of the parallel
At the cross of parallel and circle you have your 2 point

parallel down distance 3.5 of the bottom long wall
circle radius2.5 with center at the end of the parallel
trim two to extend the parallel line to the circle, there you have the 1 point

Another way, if walls are 90 degree:
parallel down distance 3 of the bottom long wall.
parallel up distance 4 of the bottom short wall.
trim two both lines and you get the 2 point

parallel down distance 3.5 of the bottom long wall
parallel down distance 2.5 of the bottom short wall.
trim two both lines and you get the 1 point

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Re: Snap relative to a line wich is not orthogonal to XY-axis


working with parallel lines, circle and trim is a good idea.

In the past I worked with autocad and there is a special snap option: You can "snap from" (input a point and move it by a relative input) and give a track (angle), so you have the desired point in one operation. Hoped there would be a similar function in librecad. But this is okay, too.