Snapping on help layer

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Snapping on help layer

Yuriy Skvortsov
I'm trying to make some drawings with librecad (Version: master SCM Revision: 2.0.0alpha3-32-ga4006c5).
When I create a line on a help layer it is shown as infinite one. Still if I turn off the "help" option (click on "printer" icon in the layer toolbar) it has some finite length (say 5mm). Ok, I'm turning on the help option back and trying to snap to the line (say to make a parallel one in distance of 50mm). If I'm doing this out of some surrounding (50mm) of actual finite line position, the snap does not work. If I make the actual line length longer, the size of proper-behaviour-surrounding also increases.
Same thing happens when I try to snap to an intersection of two lines which does not exist according to actual lines positions.
I can solve the problem making the help lines say of 1000mm actual size but this is a kind of not a proper way, isn't it? Also I've found that "help" option in layer properties dialog does not work good - it is always unchecked when the dialog starts.
Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
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Re: Snapping on help layer

A help later has all lines infinite in length, and won't be shown on printout.

Can you give detailed steps to reproduce the bug behaviors?

Yuriy Skvortsov wrote
I'm trying to make some drawings with librecad (Version: master SCM Revision: 2.0.0alpha3-32-ga4006c5).
When I create a line on a help layer it is shown as infinite one. Still if I turn off the "help" option (click on "printer" icon in the layer toolbar) it has some finite length (say 5mm). Ok, I'm turning on the help option back and trying to snap to the line (say to make a parallel one in distance of 50mm). If I'm doing this out of some surrounding (50mm) of actual finite line position, the snap does not work. If I make the actual line length longer, the size of proper-behaviour-surrounding also increases.
Same thing happens when I try to snap to an intersection of two lines which does not exist according to actual lines positions.
I can solve the problem making the help lines say of 1000mm actual size but this is a kind of not a proper way, isn't it? Also I've found that "help" option in layer properties dialog does not work good - it is always unchecked when the dialog starts.
Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
Yuriy Skvortsov wrote
I'm trying to make some drawings with librecad (Version: master SCM Revision: 2.0.0alpha3-32-ga4006c5).
When I create a line on a help layer it is shown as infinite one. Still if I turn off the "help" option (click on "printer" icon in the layer toolbar) it has some finite length (say 5mm). Ok, I'm turning on the help option back and trying to snap to the line (say to make a parallel one in distance of 50mm). If I'm doing this out of some surrounding (50mm) of actual finite line position, the snap does not work. If I make the actual line length longer, the size of proper-behaviour-surrounding also increases.
Same thing happens when I try to snap to an intersection of two lines which does not exist according to actual lines positions.
I can solve the problem making the help lines say of 1000mm actual size but this is a kind of not a proper way, isn't it? Also I've found that "help" option in layer properties dialog does not work good - it is always unchecked when the dialog starts.
Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
Yuriy Skvortsov wrote
I'm trying to make some drawings with librecad (Version: master SCM Revision: 2.0.0alpha3-32-ga4006c5).
When I create a line on a help layer it is shown as infinite one. Still if I turn off the "help" option (click on "printer" icon in the layer toolbar) it has some finite length (say 5mm). Ok, I'm turning on the help option back and trying to snap to the line (say to make a parallel one in distance of 50mm). If I'm doing this out of some surrounding (50mm) of actual finite line position, the snap does not work. If I make the actual line length longer, the size of proper-behaviour-surrounding also increases.
Same thing happens when I try to snap to an intersection of two lines which does not exist according to actual lines positions.
I can solve the problem making the help lines say of 1000mm actual size but this is a kind of not a proper way, isn't it? Also I've found that "help" option in layer properties dialog does not work good - it is always unchecked when the dialog starts.
Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
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Re: Snapping on help layer

Yuriy Skvortsov
I know that a help layer should have lines of infinite length but the thing is that they are just drawn as infinite but in fact they are finite.
Steps to produce:
Create new file
Create layer "Help" with "help" option checked (gray printer icon in layer list)
Toolbar "Lines" -> Vertical lines -> in properties fields select Length=5, Snap Point=middle (yes, that should not have effect on help layer but it has) -> click on (0,0) point (Snap on grid on)
(Now we have a vertical line which looks like an infinite. Still if we click on printer icon in layer list (deactivate help option) we can see that in fact the line length is 5)
Ok, still in help mode on Toolbar "Lines" -> Parallels with distance -> in properties field Distance=30 -> try to snap to the first line (all snap modes off) in different points
We can see that snapping works inside a region (0,-10)..(0,10) but does not work outside of it.
Same things happens if you create a grid of lines in a help layer and then try to snap crossections of them - snap crossection works in some surrounding of actual line positions but fails to snap the far crossections.
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Re: Snapping on help layer

fixed the checkbox in layer dialog, commit: c7269bc..31206d0

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Re: Snapping on help layer

I don't expect snap to middle point works for help layer lines as "infinite" lines.

A better solution is to implement infinite xline and ray, but looks like we don't have enough development hours to get that in LC-2.0.

thanks for reporting!
