Hi Glenn,
You may use snap toolbar or command line to specify precise coordinates.
for example, to draw a line 1.25mm in length at angle 25 degree:
0, main menu: Edit->Current Drawing Preferences->Units, set main drawing units to mm ;
1, main menu: Draw->Lines->2 points , to start line drawing;
2, choose the start point; Please notice the relative zero is moved to the start point
3, when prompted to choose the next point, use spacebar or mouse clicking to activate the command line;
4, type in @1.25<25 in the command line, press enter to accept and draw the line; @ means coordinates is relative (the the current relative zero). You can use cartesan coordinate such as "@1.25*cos(25*pi/180), 1.25*sin(25*pi/180)"
5, right click to stop the line drawing action.
Bluescreen wrote
Sorry for the newbie question but I am a newbie.
How do I specify the length of a line drawn in Librecad? I'm aware I can set a point and drag the line with my mouse, but how do I accurately set the length of a line, in my case, in mm.